Helping Families
During Changing Times.

We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides supervised child visitation, court approved anger management classes, and family support services. For supervised visitation we service Los Angeles and Ventura County.

Kids First Visitation is a proud member of the Supervised Visitation Network. S.V.N. is an international membership network that provides education and establishes standards exclusively to the field of supervised visitation. 


About Visitation During the Covid-19 Pandemic

We are currently facilitating both in-person and virtual visitation. In person parenting time guidelines:

All parties (children, monitor, and parent) must thoroughly wash their hands and use hand sanitizer prior to and at the close of the visit.

Monitor will take the temperature of the parent and all children that will be engaging in parenting time. Mask will be worn by the monitor and required by all parties (children over 2) participating in parenting time.


What Services Do We Offer?

Off-Site and in Home Supervised Visitation
Telephone /Zoom Monitoring
Court Reports
Intake Appointment
Court Appearance
Court Approved Anger Management
Family Support Services


Kids First Visitation


Kids First Visitation allows parents in high conflict situations to maintain contact and communication. Our goal is to ensure the safety and well-being of the child so that they can strengthen their relationship with their parent in a safe environment. The goal for parenting time is to provide neutrality, keep children emotionally and physically safe, help foster a healthy relationship, and strengthen the parent child bond.


How You Can Help

Many children needing supervised visitation time are unable to have this very valuable and needed time due to the lack of finances to pay for visitation services. By donating to help a child have parenting time with their parent, you are ensuring that child/parent bonding has an opportunity to be maintained, even in adverse circumstances. 

“Strengthening of Families”


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

