Guidelines and Procedures for Visitation
The following procedures must be followed and both parents must comply with our staff monitors' protocols and instructions. Any failure to comply will result in the immediate termination of the visit. The parent responsible for full payment of said visit will still have to pay for the visit; no refunds and no exceptions.
1.) The monitor will be present at all times during the visit.
2.) We require that the Custodial Parent must arrive fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the scheduled exchange and must return fifteen (15) minutes after the end of the scheduled exchange. The Custodial Parent and/or designated person will be required to leave the area immediately upon dropping off the child or children and picking up the child or children.
3.) The Non-Custodial Parent will arrive at the exact hour of the scheduled exchange and will return at the exact hour of the scheduled exchange.
4.) If the Non-Custodial Parent fails to arrive within 15 minutes of their designated time of arrival (and negates to call and let the monitor know that they are going to be late; will result in cancellation of the visit. The parent responsible for paying will still be liable for payment in full of the visit; no refunds and no exceptions.
1.) All fees for services must be paid in full, in-cash, prior to each visit. No visit will begin until full payment in cash is received by the monitor/Administration. Any failure to comply with this protocol will result in the immediate termination of the current visit.
There are no refunds; no exceptions.
2.) The Non-Custodial Parent and Custodial Parent must arrive promptly at their scheduled times.
3.) If a Non-Custodial Parent or Custodial Parent, or designated person is more than 5 minutes early or late, he/she will be charged $2.00 for each additional minute.
1.) Use of alcohol or drugs is prohibited and not allowed. If the monitor believes either parent is under the influence of narcotics or controlled substances (this includes marijuana) or non-prescribed drugs or, under the influence of alcohol, said monitor has the right to immediately terminate the visit. The parent responsible for payment of the visit will still have to pay for the hours of the visit that was scheduled. Please bear in mind that marijuana is still considered to be illegal under the Federal Law.
2.) No smoking of any kind (including cigarettes, marijuana, or vape cigarettes) is allowed).
3.) The Non-Custodial Parent, Custodial Parent, and/or designated person(s) are not permitted to use any drug substance or alcohol 24 hours; prior to the scheduled visit with the child or children. If either parent or designated person appears to be under the influence of the aforementioned substances (as determined but the monitor (s); the visit will immediately be terminated. The parent responsible for paying the visit will still be responsible for paying for the visit in full. No refunds will be given; no exceptions.
The following must be avoided and will not be tolerated under any circumstances:
1.) Any inappropriate or uncomfortable touching of the child or children's body, is prohibited. This can be deemed to be inappropriate by the monitor, child or children.
2.) Inappropriate or uncomfortable demands for physical contact with the child, children, or monitor, is not prohibited. This can be deemed to be inappropriate by the monitor, child, or children.
3.) Any use of any foul, profane or inappropriate language is prohibited. . In addition, inappropriate questions or comments, about the other parent to the child, children, or monitor(s) will not be tolerated and, is prohibited.
4.) There will be no disrespectful comments or derogatory verbiage allowed to, or about the other parent, to or through the child or children; or to the monitor.
5.) No passage of messages from either parent to the other, via the child or children is permitted. This includes (but is not limited to) profane language, shouting, or yelling to or about anyone.
6.) Any and all threats, violence, physical, or verbal abuse to anyone, will not be tolerated and is prohibited.
7.) Any and all attempts to remove children out of the visual or audible range of the monitor (s) or, away from the sight visitation location; is prohibited and not allowed.
8.) Any attempts to whisper to the child or children, or commence in in audible commentary out of hearing range of the monitor(s) is prohibited; and not allowed.
9.) The Non-Custodial and/or Custodial Parent and/or designated person must avoid each other completely, unless otherwise permitted by the court order or monitor(s).
10.) No significant other or spouse of either parent or designated person, is allowed at the visitation, or visitation site; unless permitted by the court order; no exceptions.
1.) There will be no messages (verbal, written, or otherwise) permitted on the part of the Non-Custodial Parent or Custodial Parent; in any manner. Parents or designated persons are not allowed to question the child or the monitor(s) about the other parent, their lives, their personal business, or whereabouts.
2.). Any and all medical necessities, treatments, or medications during visitation is required to be exchanged with the monitor(s) at the beginning of the visit. The Non-Custodial and Custodial Parent is solely responsible for handling the needs of the child or children. This includes, but is not limited to respiratory treatments and or dietary needs.
3.) The Non-Custodial Parent, Custodial Parent, nor designated person(s) are not allowed to ask about the other parents relationships with other persons, make promises to the child or children, pertaining to custodial issues or documentation, nor share any court documents, rulings, or correspondence with the child or children; under any circumstances. Failure to comply will result in the immediate termination of the visit. All payment in full will still be required by the parent required to pay for the visit in full; no exceptions or refunds.
1.) Any gifts given to the child or children by the Non-Custodial Parent or designated person; must be agreed upon by the Custodial Parent and the monitor(s).
2.) All food and beverages brought by the Non-Custodial Parent for the child or children must be approved by the Custodial Parent and the monitor. If the Custodial Parent has decided that the child or children are not allowed to have certain foods and/or beverages, or has a food allergy; the Non-Custodial Parent must comply. Failure to comply will result in the immediate termination of the visit. The parent responsible for the payment of the visit will still be responsible for paying for the visit in full; no exceptions and no refunds.
1.) If for any reason you are unable to bring the child or children or attend the visit with the child or children, it is your responsibility to notify the Monitor and the other parent. If you do not have access to the other’s telephone numbers, the monitor will confirm cancellations. It is a requirement that both parents must confirm mutually agreed upon cancellations with the monitor. Please provide plenty of notice to the monitor. Failure to do so will result in cancellation fees being assessed to the responsible paying party.
2.) If either parent or designated person(s) needs to cancel or will be tardy for a visit , that parent must call the monitor immediately to notify the monitor. If the parent is canceling the appointment, the parent must cancel the appointment with the monitor; at least 24 hours prior to the appointment. If you notify the monitor in less than 24 hours before the visit; you will be expected to pay for the full visit in full; no exceptions and no refunds. No future visits will be scheduled or carried out, until this cancelled visit is paid in full.
1.) If either parent or designated person, no shows a visit, this will still result in full payment of the visit being paid for, in full to the monitor or Administrative Office of Kids First Visitation. No visit will be re-scheduled or carried out until full payment for the no show visit is received in full by the monitor or the Executive Director of Kids First Visitation, Anjure Johnson.
2. No photographs may be taken during visits without the prior approval of the Custodial Parent, the child or children, the monitor, and the Executive Director of Kids First Visitation, Anjure Johnson. A consent form allowing the photos to be taken, must be signed and completed by the Custodial Parent. This form will be administered by the monitor. No photos are permitted to be taken by the monitors or, or of the monitors. Audio and or visual recording is not permitted. Transport of children may be visually recorded by a dash cam by the monitor, once the parents have been informed and, signage states recording is occurring in the vehicle.
3.) Any modifications to the scheduled visitation appointments or schedule, can only be made by the court order or approved by the monitor. Changes in the schedule need to be done one week prior to visitation.
4.) Any permanent changes or modifications to the visitation, can only be done with the prior approval of the Custodial Parent.
5.) No changes by the Non-Custodial Parent to the child or children’s appearance are permitted. This includes, but not limited to: a change in hair color, clothing, shores, jewelry, a haircut, body permanent or temporary tattoos, and any type of body or ear piercing, etc.
6.) If the child or children require the administering or medication during visits, the Custodial Parent or designated person, is required to submit written consent; giving the visiting parent permission to administer the medication. Only prescription medication will be accepted in a per-measured dose.
1.) During visits, the monitor will is required to and will be taking observation notes; of any and all communication, or physical action. These observation notes will be kept by the monitor during each visit. The Monitor will also keep a record of all phone calls and other interactions between clients. All reports and notes will be unbiased, and will not show favor to either the Non-Custodial Parent nor, the Custodial Parent. The monitor will not and is not obligated to make any changes to notes; even if either parent or designated person requests it.
2.) Any type of written reports or documentation, by the Custodial Parent, Non-Custodial Parent, or designated person; will be completed upon written request. Full payment in cash is due at the time of request. A Summary Report consists of a list of visitation dates, times, and locations only. A Detailed Summary Report gives a list of visitation dates and specific details of each visit. Please contact us for the fee amount.
3.) The Non-Custodial Parent and Custodial Parent may request a copy of the report as well as all other parties.
1.) If a visit is terminated or if services are terminated for any reason, all parties and the Court will be notified via written notice, which will give reason(s) for the termination.
2.) The Monitor reserves the right to refuse access, cancel or terminate a visit or all services if the Non-Custodial/Custodial Parent, violates the Agreement for Service or if the Monitor feels threatened or if he/she feels that it is not in the best interest of the child or children to continue (or accept) the Custodial/Non-Custodial Parent's case.
1.) There will be no privilege of confidentiality between the Non-Custodial, Custodial Parent, the designated person, and the Monitor. This includes, but is not limited to any communication (whether or not it is written, observed, or heard between Monitor and Non-Custodial and/or Custodial Parent, Non-Custodial and/or Custodial Parent and child or children, monitor and children , or any other form of communication with other parties during the supervised visit and/or supervised exchange.
2.) The observation notes, heard comments, spoken information or any other information will be shared when:
a.) When it is requested by the court mediator, court investigator, judge, or elevator; in conjunction with a court ordered mediation, investigation or evolution.
b.) As required by Child Protective Services.
c.) As required by a law enforcement agency.
d.) When a report is requested by either party or their attorney.
e.) In addition, a case file may be reviewed during an evaluation by the elevator or attorney.
f.) The Monitor will keep identifying information, such as, addresses, place of work, phone numbers, etc. confidential. This information will not be included in any reports, except when ordered by the court, reporting child abuse or neglect, or to police agencies in the event of abduction.
Disclaimer: Any supervised visitation and/or supervised exchange may be canceled if child or children become fearful, distressed, and nervous or agitated (thereby making the visitation and/or exchange unproductive). In addition, any supervised visitations and/or supervised exchanges are can result in cancellation if; a Custodial/Non-Custodial Parent violates said guidelines. Any and all cancellations are subject to fees for payment of the scheduled visit in full, and a new visit will not be re-scheduled until payment in full is rendered by the monitor or, Executive Director of Kids First Visitation. This posting on the website is considered to be our legal and binding notification; and any commencement or participation, of visitation monitoring with any monitor of Kids First Visitation considered to be in agreement with this Disclaimer, our rules, guidelines, procedures, and protocols.
For more information please call us at:
(323) 484-6162